Bulletins Notices Events

No Bingo February 17th, 2025

Just a reminder to let everyone know that there will NO BINGO on Family Day, February 17th, 2025 BINGO will resume on the following Monday, February 24th, 2025

Loon Lake Curling League

Going to have a 2 Person Curling Bonspiel in Loon Lake for this Saturday, February 15, 2025 2 person teams and entries in ASAP to Ellie Dimond text at +1 (306) 837-7760.

Volunteer Recognition Nomination

Nominate an Amazing Volunteer for the Rivers West District 2025 Volunteer Recognition Program! Do you know a volunteer who goes above and beyond to make a difference in your community? Here’s your chance to give them the recognition they deserve!…

Monday Night Bingo 2025

The Loon Lake Rec Center is still hosting Bingo Nights. Doors open at 6:30 pm Games Start at 7 pm Every Monday Night. Come out and have some fun.

Citizen’s on Patrol Program

The Citizens on Patrol Program is starting up again. There is a meeting on January 21st, 2025 at 7pm at the Loon Lake Rec Center. Everyone welcome. If you have any questions regarding the program or would like to volunteer…

Loon Lake Air Cadets

Loon Lake Air Cadets Ages 12-19 Meetings have been changed to Monday nights. Come check out this amazing opportunity

Pet Tags

Reminder to purchase your 2025 Pet Tags. Tags from 2024 expire on December 31, 2024. A new tag is $10.00. If you haven’t paid for your pet tags yet, please come into the office and pay before December 31, 2024.…

RCMP Warrants

Please see the below pictures of people who have warrants for November 2024


Important Notice to the Residents of the Village of Loon Lake Dear Residents, Due to further restrictions imposed by the ongoing postal strike, the Village of Loon Lake is currently unable to send water bills by mail. Additionally, we are…

Village Election Information

If you are interested in running for Council and want more information, check out the link below to find Citizens guide for candidacy in municipal elections. Or stop by the Village office at 100 1st street south.  

Election Year

2024 is Urban Municipal Election Year. Election Day is Wednesday November 13, 2024. This will be for the Mayor and all four Councilors for the Village of Loon Lake. Please keep an eye out for notices on the Village website…

Voyent Alert

We are excited to announce that we have Voyent Alert available for the residents of Loon Lake and surrounding area. With the Voyent Alert the Village can notify residents of emergencies such as an RCMP issued hold and secure, boil…

Annual Waterworks Information

Current Year:  2024 Year Reporting for:      2023 Village of Loon Lake Date:  July 19, 2024 WATERWORKS RATE POLICY May 30, 2024, the Village of Loon Lake Council passed bylaw 04-2024 a Bylaw to Fix the Rates to Be Charged for…

SUMA Candidate School

Candidate school is an opportunity for potential municipal election candidates to learn about being an elected official. If there are any individuals in the Village who have an interest in municipal politics and running for council. We encourage you to…

Let’s Celebrate

Come to Loon Lake in August to Celebrate Edith’s 90th birthday when it is warm!! Come and visit on Saturday, August 24th, 2024. Location: Loon Lake Rec Centre. There will be a Come and Go tea starting at 4:00pm with…

Fire Ban Lifted

The RM has lifted the Level 2 Fire Ban as of July 26, 2024 Any questions please call the office at 306-837-2076

Statistics Canada Within The RM of Loon Lake

Statistics Canada employees are currently compiling and updating lists of addresses that will be used for ongoing survey collection activities. Questions relating to the address, location and type of residential dwelling units in this area may be asked. These employees…

Canada Day Announcement

WHO:       Makwa Sahgaiehcan First Nations & the Loon Lake Volunteer Fire Department WHAT:      Fireworks WHERE:   Makwa Sahgaiehcan Ball Diamonds WHEN:      July 1st at Dusk (10:30 – 11:00 ish) WHY:          Chief and Council of MSFN recognize the importance of our communities…

Canada Day Map of Festivities

It is getting closer to July 1st. For those wanting to join in on our parade with a float, we are meeting at the RM/Village Office Parking Lot at 10:30am to line up. Parade starts at 11am. For those wanting…

Village Clean-Up

The Village of Loon Lake Council will be showing their community spirit, by doing a Village Clean-up on May 21st, 2024, weather permitting. If anybody would like to help in the cleaning, please stop by the office and get some…

Sand Available

For any one wanting some sand, there is some available at the Loon Lake Transfer Site. While supply last, during Transfer Site Hours

Consequences of Hitting a Gas Line

Getting a line locate is free but hitting a buried utility line is not. Ignoring the steps or rushing to get the job done can have serious consequences for you and people down the line. Please work safely by understanding…

Safe Digging

Having a safe work plan in place means everyone makes it home safely at the end of the day. Understand your work area and the location of underground utility lines before starting any dig project. Learn more about safe digging…

SGI Traffic Safety Fund Grant

The Village applied for and was approved for the SGI Traffic Grant, and with the grant we have acquired some New Flashing Crosswalk Signs. These Crosswalk Signs are located on Highway 26, one on the east side of the highway…

RCMP Community Update

Loon Lake RCMP Community Update January 2024 There were 303 reports in Loon Lake RCMP Detachment area January 1-31, 2024. This is a 12% increase in reports from the 270 received in January, 2023. Overall there were more reports of…

Makwa Provincial Park Update

Makwa Lake Provincial Park is currently advertising two career opportunities on our career’s web page. Park Gate Attendant  – PAR003457 Employment Type:  Expression of Interest for SGEU Term less than 9 months Location(s):   SK-North West-Makwa Lake Provincial Park Ministry:  027 Parks Culture…

Ice Fishing Returns to Saskatchewan with Emphasis on Safety

Released on January 4, 2024 Ice fishing season has finally arrived on Saskatchewan waterways, and the Ministry of Environment is reminding anglers to keep safety top of mind.  Unseasonably warm temperatures throughout December means that many waters in Saskatchewan…

New Pharmacy in the Village

The Lakeside Pharmacy is open. We would like to welcome our pharmacist Joel Lapointe. Check it out they not only have prescriptions but they have cold. allergy, medicine and Vitamins. Located right off the Highway 26, Next to the Gas…

Pet Tags

Reminder to purchase your 2024 Pet Tags. Tags from 2023 expire on December 31, 2023. A new tag is $10.00. If you haven’t paid for your pet tags yet, please come into the office and pay before December 31, 2023.…

Sask Energy

** UPDATE** Sask Energy is all finished checking the gas meters. Just an FYI for everyone, Sask Energy is going to be out and about checking the gas meters over the next couple of weeks. They will be in a…

Donations Needed

The Village of Loon Lake Council is looking for donations of the following items to furnish the Doctors House. Please contact the office if you would like to donate any of these items. Thank you.

Dog Transportation Donation

With all the dogs that have been caught within the Village, some get claimed, but most are rehomed through the local SPCA, or Humane Society. With this knowledge, these animals have to be driven to these places. For the past…

Annual Waterworks Information

Current Year:  2023 Year Reporting for:     2022 Village of Loon Lake Date:  May 4, 2023 WATERWORKS RATE POLICY June 2, 2022, Council amended the bylaw to increase the rates to be charged for the use and consumption of water and…

Advisory Due to Dry Conditions

The RM of Loon Lake and Loon Lake Fire Department would like to put out an advisory regarding the use of ATVs on Public Lands. Due to the dry conditions, we ask that you refrain from using ATVs on public…

Emergency Kits

With all that is happening in our neighboring province, Alberta, and all the evacuations that have been happening. Here is a some things to keep in mind should there be an emergency here:

Keeping Our Neighbourhoods Safe

On any block and in any neighbourhood, it only takes one house that is harbouring illegal activities to undermine the safety of all residents of that community and affect the property values throughout that neighbourhood. The Safer Communities and Neighbourhoods…

Assessment Roll 2023

The Municipalities Act Section 217 (1) ASSESSMENT ROLL NOTICE Village of Loon Lake Notice is hereby given that the Assessment Roll for the Village of Loon Lake for 2023 has been prepared and is open to inspection by appointment at…

Makwa Provincial Park

Hi everyone, It looks like spring may have arrived.  I hope everyone had a chance to come to the park this winter and enjoy all the trails.  We are no longer setting the ski trails, but there is still a…

Lessons On The Lake

Hello Everyone!! I can’t believe this will be our 9th year hosting lessons at Stabler Point Beach. I hope you’re all as excited as me for this years lake sessions. Please pay close attention to the different posters as I…

Mental Health First Aid

By Spurgeon Root in Loon Lake, Reminder for those that want to attend, Please let us know ASAP, we NEED 15, currently only have 7. April 13 and 14 from 9 am to 4 pm Anyone interested please phone the…

Farmer’s Market

Looking for someone to take over organizing the Farmer’s Market. Valli Cleal is looking to step down from being Organizer for the Farmer’s Market. The Farmer’s Market usually runs from June to Labor Day Weekend. For more information, or to…

Public Skating Done For the Season

Over the last few weeks it seems like interest in public skating has lowered. We get it, we are ready for spring too! So it’s been decided that Sunday public skating is done for the season. We want to thank…

Silent Auction a Success!! Thank you

The Loon Lake Recreation Center is so overwhelmed with all the support from the community and surrounding area for our Silent Auction. We have raised a substantial amount of $10,886.00. We would like to send out a huge thank you…

Makwa Provincial Park Seasonal Sites

Message from Makwa Provincial Park Sask Parks will be reducing the fee for seasonal sites in Makwa Lake for 2023. The roadway work is scheduled to be completed by June 29, 2023.  We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause…

X-Country & Snowshoe Trails

Good morning everyone, I hope that everyone had an opportunity to enjoy the amazing fall and took some time to explore the trails within the park.  With the early snow fall, the staff have been able to set the X-country…

Loon Lake Seniors Club #48

Welcome to Loon Lake! The Loon Lake Senior Citizens #48 welcomes you! If you are 50 years of age or older, you are welcome to join us at Senior Centre. Located at 502 Railway Ave. We have a noon meal…

Change of Hours

Due to an unpredictable situation, the Loon Lake Library will be changing the hours of operation until further notice, New Hours of Operation Tuesdays – 10am to 4pm Thursdays – 10am to 4pm We apologize for any inconvenience. During the…

Job Opportunity at the Golf Course

LOON LAKE & DISTRICT GOLF COURSE We are looking for an individual to join our team, as bookkeeper.  Our candidate should possess strong communication, organization and office skills. They must be able to work independently and be flexible with hours,…

Mental Health Help Lines

If you or someone close to you would like mental or social health support during this time, there are many resources available: Crisis Services Canada: 1-833-456-4566/Text 45645 First Nations and Inuit Hope for Wellness Line: 1-855-242-3310 Saskatchewan Farm Stress Line:…

Story Hour

Grace Fellowship Church is hosting a Story Hour, starting September 13, 2022. Where : Grace Fellowship Church When: Tuesdays after school till about 5ish Includes snack, playtime and a bible story.

Septic Awareness Week

Do you have Septic Sense? Septic Awareness Week 2022 September 19 to 23 is Septic Awareness Week, and the Western Canada Onsite Wastewater ManagementAssociation (WCOWMA) is urging homeowners to consider both what goes down the drain, and how tomaintain their…

SGI Traffic Safety Fund Grant

The Village applied for and was approved for the SGI Traffic Grant, and with the grant we have acquired some New Flashing Speed Signs. These Speed Signs are located on the East side of the Village, coming in from Meadow…

Annual Waterworks Information

Current Year:  2022 Year Reporting for:     2021 Village of Loon Lake Date:  August 18, 2022 WATERWORKS RATE POLICY December 2, 2020, Council passed a bylaw to fix the rates to be charged for the use and consumption of water and…

Employment Opportunity

ASSISTANT ADMINISTRATOR (14-month term position) R.M. of Loon Lake No. 561 and Village of Loon Lake The Rural Municipality of Loon Lake No. 561 and the Village of Loon Lake are seeking an assistant administrator to fill in for a…

WestMed Paramedics

Exciting Information on Advanced Life Support Ambulance Service coming to our area.